If you google "lisa.gerda-henkel-stiftung" "Jared Israel", it brings up some great commentary from the greatest anti-fascist online researcher, the greatest debunker of cia lies, Jared Israel. Expand the area under the article "reactions to the article". Jared is an analytical thinker, analyst of applicable law of the highest order. Like all the uncompromised truth tellers (and there are very few), Jared refutes cia support for ALL nazis, not just the nazis in Ukraine, but also the Husseini disciples in palestine (the most well funded and propagandized nazi captive nation in the world).

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What’s the percentage of Nazis in the Ukrainian army?

How does it compare with the Russian army?

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The Ukraine army is basically a nazi apparatus, quisling unit of the US. The Russian army has none, based on my vigorous watching of telegram channels for the first few months. There were grisly videos of Ukraine soldiers gladly shooting captured Russian soldiers in the knees, one had been beaten severely on the head, one Azerbaijan Russian soldier had been shot in the crotch. They were all in process of bleeding out. Ukraine forces had no qualms about sharing these videos on tg. Russia abides by normal rules of warfare--even as US media lies out the wazoo about them. This is analogous to the IDF, which conforms to the strictest rules of warfare against the US's husseini disciples, even as western media promotes the idea that the IDF is a bunch of bloodthirsty babykillers. It is a lie. Putin and Israel promote rights for everyone, and tolerance for all kinds of people. In Israel's case, actually too much tolerance for neo-nazi bigots.

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You are like the worst. Pro Russia and pro Israeli. Like evil.

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I'm anti-bandera, anti-husseini. Note that all Persians despise husseini, hamas, hezbollah and other variants of Western backed Islamic nazis. Why do you hate Persians so much??

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Are you a pro regime Iranian?

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what regime? I support Iranians, who hate the mullahs (pets of the US and UK).

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