I'm banned on twitter for telling the truth about Israel. I just noticed that you seem to support the cia's husseini/eichmann movement, as you proudly feature its flag on your profile. Why? What exactly motivates a person opposed to banderite naziism to support naziism against the Jews? Are you living under the delusion that hillel/chabad people on college campuses are attacking supporters of Husseini, so it's fine if the latter attack Jews? Do you think the al mathaf resort in gaza is fiction? do you not realize that the universities in hamas/plo territories were founded for Arabs--by Jews?? Just when I thought I'd found a free thinker, I merely bumbled on another person trying to sow confusion and division.

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so it sounds like this guy has sort of flipped his stances quite a bit, in an inexplicable way, and he has had access to cia-media outlets like VOA. This would mean he is some kind of cia lackey, deliberately trying to sow some division and discord along the way. The best example of an inexplicable flip are Jared Israel's articles on Scott Ritter suddenly changing from a warhawk to a dove during all the commotion over the Iran/Iraq war.

Note that as Mark Aarons (and your own research) makes clear: the Jewhaters, banderites, neo-nazis are all basically the same. So when this guy posts in support of the Islamic Jewhater having her scholarship taken away, that is a very strange sort of post. It's the ideology of a cia lapdog. I was on this 'viktor viktop' tg channel for a long time and noticed that these rabid supporters of Putin seemed to all support Husseini and Eichmann. Why? Similarly, this slovjak loves Bandera but is not supporting Husseini? Why?

The real truth tellers oppose Bandera and also oppose Husseini.

Hamas represents the movement of Eichmann and Husseini, the latter of whom trained SS units during WWII to kill Serbs, Jews, and Roma in Yugoslavia. Hamas is despised by all Iranians, who are not so gullible as to support the pentagon's nazis of palestine. I don't claim to be an expert on what is going on in gaza, but I'm fully familiar with IDF policy, which is basically the same as Russian military policy: to try to minimize deaths to civilians, extend help/food/aid to all that are receptive and all that will lay down their weapons.

There is no genocide in gaza, as the hamas-provide numbers have been proven false repeatedly. It is actually hamas that used their own telegram channel to tell gazan people to ignore the IDF, stay at home and stay in harm's way. So the notion of the Torah-inspired IDF waging genocide in gaza is just as absurd as the notion that Putin is trying to kill civilians and children in Ukraine.

But if one does not believe any of this, note that the US government, US media, and Deborah Lipstadt all despise Meir Kahane, who was nothing more than a Jew that spoke in support of Jews. He was anti-fascist, and an anti-nazi--which is why US media calls him a 'right wing fascist'. This is why all punditry on 'rightwing'/'leftwing' has so little meaning. The US is a nazi-run empire where men like Kahane (and Putin to a lesser extent) are lied about constantly in US media. The anti-fascists are called 'right wing', the people helping to support nazi ideology are very 'liberal, progressive, leftwing'.

Note too that it is on our most cia compliant college campuses (Ucla, ivy league) where the feds are deploying neo-nazi pro-Husseini activists, who are attacking Jews, and harassing Jewish students. If these neo-nazi (cia compliant) activists lose their scholarships then good. Their evil actions can result in repercussions. But note that there are ZERO chabad/hillel activists on campuses harassing or attacking these husseini supporters. The attacks flow only in one direction: from the cia-backed fascists against those that would dare support freedom and human rights.

So the long and short is be safe Moss, I think that this guy is all bark, not so much bite. He's a typical cia lackey.

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The various neonazis who flock to Ukraine knew exactly what they are doing and what sort of regime they support.

For that matter, the US government and its various catamites in and out of europe know full well the nature of the regime that they support and are perfectly fine with that, even if they cannot say so in public.

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