Jul 30Liked by Moss Robeson

Keep up the good work

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Jul 31Liked by Moss Robeson

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by William Szuch"

Darn it, I watched the first 5 minutes, and then decided to watch it at a more leisurely moment. Should've downloaded it. Is it available anywhere else?

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Sorry about that - I just re-uploaded the video to this Substack post

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Some explanatory (text or voiceover) context of the origin of the contemporary video would be helpful -- arguably it's necessary for comprehension tbh.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

I watched it. I have some attention span type issues. Just to confirm: the old man Walter that is in it, that is the same man as the green-sweater bearded guy speaking in 1989?? And I don't fully grasp all the landlord/tenant issues with that Ukraine building and the guy Greg. I did see later in the film that the older lawyer guy (the crook, Andreyj?) was trying to work with people in Ukr to get the building and sell it for profit. But any kind of brief explanation of these squabbles will make it easier for the viewer to understand what is going on.

It's interesting how they call you a 'Russian mole' for just telling the truth. I've jotted down the info on some of these books. I've already read some Simpson. I also recommend John Loftus' book on Nazis in the US (that one goes deep into the settling of Belarussian nazis).

In the 1990s, the US waged a big-lie, pro-nazi war against Serbia, where the US resurrected the SS Handzar in the region, funding and arming savagely sadistic Bosnian Muslim nazis. In that case it was the Albanian American Civic league, headed by Joe DioGuardi that was the main 'lobby' for pushing for that war. His daughter Kara is big in the entertainment industry (she seems to keep out of fascist politics).

My main area is in the study of the Husseini disciples, whose power, propaganda, and lobbying efforts entirely dwarf the rest. And they are far more violent than the old Banderite men, who are generally at least civil in day-to-day society, not going around punching, stabbing, or trying to run over people with their cars. The Husseini disciples helped destroy Iran and are enslaving people in numerous countries. The Banderites are weak, nostalgic losers in comparison (although the US is actively funding the Banderites' war, so they're not entirely powerless). The various nazi disciples seem to have no common bond other than supporting the growth of US imperialism via infliction of fascism and removing civil/human rights, and the American left very much supports them (as they are the modern day 'captive nations', oppressed people that need liberating from the Jews/commies. This is all Langley BS of course).

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I appreciate your work. I'm an American Jew, a longtime reader of Christopher Simpson's work, so I was already familiar with the 'anti bolshevic' lobby and many aspects of this, but you've helped illuminate more of it at a lower level. I have no kinship with Banderite nazis, ditto for ratlined and settled Belarussian Christians, Latvian Christians and similar people whose parents or grandparents gladly rounded up my relatives into the forests and helped dispose of them.

But at the same time I will say that the Bandera of palestine is Haj Amin al Husseini. Basically every mass media pundit in the US supports Husseini. After WWII, when he trained SS units on how to best kill Serbs, he magically fled from one country to another, never facing justice. His biggest sponsor eventually became the pentagon, which has helped to whitewash him and minimize his historical role (much as Canadian academia does for Bandera).

Your social media allies (Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, etc) support Husseini. I know the truth and obviously cannot do so. Iranians despise Husseini and his legacy of nazis that helped to destroy Iran. And it is clear that the Russian Muslims do not have any kinship with Husseini. So while you keep up the good fight in exposing the truth in government support for Banderite naziism, beware of 'friends' that support some of Hitler's other pets.

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Moss, don't you think releasing your documentary without talking to Oleg Tsarev/Aleksandr Zakharchenko's surrogate sister is absurd? Don't you think it's about time someone talked to ME? Just saying...

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